Dear Carrillo Families,
I hope this email finds you enjoying your weekend!
Report Cards Available This Friday
Report cards have moved completely online and will be available through ParentVUE under “Documents” this Friday, 2/11/2022. Here is a letter from the District explaining how you can access your child’s report card.
Registration for the 2022-2023 school year opens tomorrow, 2/7/2022, also on ParentVUE. There are no longer “Paper Packets” for new students, and it’s now all online. Please check this link on the District website for more information.
Next school year we are happy to continue our Transitional Kindergarten half-day program, as well as offer an extended-day Kindergarten program. This coming 2022-23 school year, TK is now available to children who will have their fifth birthday between September 2, 2022 and February 2, 2023 (previous the cut off was December 2). We will offer both a morning and afternoon session. Kindergarten is available to all children who were born on or before September 1, 2017. Please pass on the enrollment information to any eligible families who plan to enroll in Carrillo for the next school year.
2022-2023 Updated School Hours for TK and Kinder
AM Session- 8:30 am - 12 pm
PM Session- 12 pm - 3:30 pm
8:45 am - 2:45 pm
Residency Verification
Currently enrolled returning students will need to complete residency verification on ParentVUE beginning tomorrow. Please check this link on the District website for more information.
Dineout at (Carrillo Family Owned) Surf Brother’s Teriyaki!
February 10th from 10:30 am-8:00 pm @ Surf Brother’s Teriyaki.
If you order online, just add “Carrillo” to the notes.
2708 Loker Ave. West
Carlsbad, CA 92010
Sweetheart's Dance THIS SATURDAY!
Sweethearts Dance is coming up on Saturday, February 12th, 5-7 pm! We need lots of help to make this event run smoothly - please consider volunteering or donating a dessert item. Guests and volunteers are encouraged to dress in the "Mad Hatters Ball" theme! Come as your favorite Alice in Wonderland character or wear a fun hat. Cali Food and Neff Coffee Roasters will be available for purchase. The event is outdoors with patio heaters so bring a warm jacket.
Sweethearts Dance volunteer sign up (adults)
Sweethearts Dance volunteer sign up (middle school and HS students)
Sweethearts Dance dessert donation sign up
5th Grade Updates/Important Dates
SEMS Tour- 5th graders will be attending a field trip to San Elijo Middle School on April 14th from 9 am-12 pm. Parents will also be invited to a parent information night that evening at 5:30 pm in the Performing Arts Center at SEMS. Please save the date for 4/14/2022 at 5:30 pm.
Promotion Photos- Gerardy Photography will be at Carrillo this Friday for Spring Pictures. We will use these photos for the 5th-grade certificates.
Spelling Bee- Students can sign up now for the Spelling Bee! Please click here for the flyer.
California Healthy Kids Survey- Please look for a permission slip in your child’s backpack regarding this survey. We need your consent to have your child participate (elementary is active consent while secondary is passive) so please return the permission slip as soon as possible. The anonymous data from this survey is beneficial toward directing our work in improving student outcomes, so your child’s participation is greatly appreciated. Please click here for the permission slip to access the active links.
Important Dates at a Glance
- February 7- 2022-2023 Registration and Residency Verification Open on ParentVUE
- February 10 - Dine-out at Surf Bros. Teriyaki
- February 11- Spring Pictures
- February 11- PTO meeting 9:00 am virtually
- Join Zoom Meeting
- Join by phone
- February 11- Semester 1 Report Cards uploaded to ParentVUE
- February 12- Sweethearts Dance (outdoor event) from 5-7 at Carrillo
- February 18 and 21- No School/President’s Weekend
Thank you,
Gary Pope, Principal