October 10, 2021

Dear Carrillo Families,

Please remember that this week is dedicated to parent-teacher conferences. There was no school today, Monday, October 11, and we have a shortened day for the rest of the week. Please see the letter below for more information. We also have the book fair this week and the Fall Bash on Saturday!

October 11-15 is Parent-Teacher Conference Week

Here is the Conference Week Letter for more information regarding lunch, recess, and KOC.

All parent-teacher conferences will take place virtually this year. Please look out for information regarding the log-in information for either Zoom or Google Meet.

October 11-15th- School Climate Survey for 4th and 5th

The San Marcos Unified School District would like to have all students in 4th-12th take a survey to get their feedback on our school climate. We will administer the survey during school hours this week. If you would like your child to opt out, please complete the bottom portion of the letter that went home last week and return it to your child's teacher. However, if you don't mind having your child take the survey, there is nothing you need to do. If you’d like a preview of the questions, I would be happy to provide that to you.

Book Fair

The Book Fair is BACK! The Book Fair is beloved by our Carrillo Colts, and every purchase earns money to buy new library books for all of our students to enjoy! The Book Fair will be open before and after school from 10/12-10/15, and during Fall Bash on Saturday 10/16! Please visit the Book Fair Website for detailed information about shopping dates and times, instructions to set up an eWallet for simple cashless transactions, and Covid guidelines. We have also set up a “Book Fairy” fund to ensure that every student has the opportunity to purchase a book, and will be working with our school social worker to identify students who would benefit from these donations. If you would like to donate, you can contribute to the eWallet account here!

Carrillo Elementary Fall Bash- Presented by Carlsbad Children’s Dentistry:

Sat. Oct 16th, 2-6 pm.

Free Entry! (Includes Trick O' Treating and Slime Making)

Inflatables and Games:

Pre-Sale Wristband- ON SALE NOW! $20 each HERE. $25 Day of the event!* (Class delivery to eldest child’s class)

Pledge Drive Wristband (included in Donation levels of $180+): Sign up for class delivery HERE.

DJ, Games, Inflatables, Costume Contest, Trick O' Treat, Crafts, Food Trucks, a Pumpkin Patch, and more!

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Get involved, it’s an opportunity to meet other families and help make the Fall Bash event a success. Volunteers are needed for setup and to help at the event. We also need donations for items such as cakewalk goodies, pop-ups (to borrow), and more.

Signup Genius link for Volunteers/Event Donations:


Want to help donate supplies needed for the event?  See Fall Bash Amazon Wish List attached. https://smile.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/dl/invite/1szqqH3?ref_=wl_share .

If you have any questions, please contact Kelly Hill ([email protected]) and Drea Colores ([email protected]).

Fall Bash 1.pdf 

Fall Bash 2.pdf 

PTO Pledge drive

Thank you for your support in reaching our $35,000 milestone!  We will celebrate with an all-school Crazy Hair Day this Friday (10/15).  Please help us reach our fundraising goal by making your donation before October 16th.  Donate $300 to pledge drive to be automatically entered to win a VIP Parking Spot!  More great prizes, including Disneyland tickets, are included in the Pledge Drive raffle.  Click here for details.  

pledge drive raffle full (1).pdf 

Click here to donate: https://www.myvlink.org/carrillopto/donations1.php?c=390

Food and Diaper Drive to benefit Camp Pendleton Marines kicks off on Monday, October 18th.  Donate at least 10 food cans or a box of diapers during the first week (before October 23rd) to earn a raffle ticket for fun Carrillo swag bags.

Can you help with collections?  Please click below to sign up to volunteer.


Free Online Tutoring and Writing Support for 4th and 5th Graders

Again this year, we are able to offer PAPER to our 4th-12th grade students. PAPER is a free online tutoring service that supports our students 24 hours a day.

Student access to PAPER is currently available. All a student needs to do is log on to Clever.

Important Dates at a Glance

  • Parent-Teacher Conference Week
    • October 12-15- Minimum Day Schedule (K-5 will release at 1:25 pm)
  • October 15th- Flag Salute (this was rescheduled for 10/15 due to rain last week)  AND Crazy Hair Day!
  • October 15th, PTO Meeting after Flag Salute (9:45 am) at lunch tables.  All are welcome!
  • October 16- Fall Bash
  • October 18-November 19- Marine Corps Canned Food and Diaper Drive Kickoff
  • October 21- School Site Council
  • October 29- students may wear school-appropriate costumes to school (nothing too scary/violent, no toy weapons, etc.)

Remind.com- Please click below if you'd like to receive grade-level reminders through remind.com

PreK- https://www.remind.com/join/7h7k47f

TK/Kindergarten- https://www.remind.com/join/fcf93f

1st-grade- https://www.remind.com/join/h36aa2

2nd-grade- https://www.remind.com/join/e8a7248

3rd- grade- https://www.remind.com/join/k73heeg

4th-grade- https://www.remind.com/join/gkg37g

5th-grade- https://www.remind.com/join/2477c9


Thank you,


Gary Pope, Principal

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