3rd Grade Curriculum

  • What will they learn this year?
     UNIT    Knowledge Strand  3rd Grade Unit Topic
     1 Government and Citizenship
     Government for the People
    Why do people participate in government? 
     2  Character
     Ways Characters Shape Stories
     How do our actions influence our lives?
     3  Life Science
     Animal Adaptations 
     How do living things adapt and change?
     4  Point of View
     Comparing Points of View 
    What makes people view the same experience in different ways? 
     5  Technology and   Society
     Advancements in Technology
     What is the value of innovation?
     6  Making Decisions
     Making Decisions
     What helps us solve problems?
     7  History and Culture
     Communities Then and Now 
    What is a community? 
     8  Earth Science
     Weather and Climate
    How can we predict the unknown? 
     9  Economics
     Spending Time and Money
    What do our economic choices tell us about ourselves? 
     10  Physical Science
    Forces and Interactions
    How does understanding science help us achieve our goals? 
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