What will they learn this year?
Reading Units
Unit |
Knowledge Strand |
1st Grade Unit Topic |
1 |
Government and Citizenship |
Making a Good Community Member
Why do people get involved in their communities?
2 |
Character |
Many Kinds of Characters
How do we learn about characters?
3 |
Life Science |
Plants and Animals Grow and Change
Why do living things change?
4 |
Point of View |
Stories have a Narrator
How do people create stories?
5 |
Technology and Society |
Technology at Work
How can technology make a difference in our lives?
6 |
Theme |
Stories Teach Many Lessons
What can we learn from a mistake?
7 |
History and Culture |
Past, Present, and Future
Why is the past important?
8 |
Earth Science |
Observing the Sky
Why do the sun and moon capture our imagination?
9 |
Economics |
We Use Goods and Services
Why do people trade with each other?
10 |
Physical Science |
Exploring Sound and Light
How would our lives be different without sound and light?
Count to 120
Fluency: Addition and Subtraction within 20
Strategies: Use strategies to Add and Subtract within 100
Place Value (Ones, Tens, Hundred)
Create and identify shapes
Partition shapes into 2 and 4 equal parts
Measurement (shorter, longer, narrow, wide)
Organize, represent, and interpret data
Time to the nearest hour and half hour (analog and digital)