August 15, 2021

Dear Carrillo Families,

I can’t wait to see students this week! Thank you, families, for reading through these newsletters, attending the parent tours and meet and greets when applicable, and asking questions when necessary. I have a few action items for you in this newsletter, some additional dates, and back-to-school information. I will also reiterate a few points made in previous newsletters. If you missed a newsletter or accidentally deleted it, you can find my newsletters on the Carrillo Website under “About Us.”

Meet and Greet for our Special Education Preschool Program 

Monday, August 16

If your child is in the AM Class, your scheduled time is 1 pm - 1:30 pm

If your child is in the PM Class, your scheduled time is 1:45 pm - 2:15 pm

First Dine-Out

Monday, August 16 at Menchie’s Bressi Ranch. Celebrate the last day of summer with your child at Menchies, Bressi Ranch between 12 pm-10 pm. Mention Carrillo and they will donate 25% of their sales to the Carrillo PTO.

Menchie’s Flyer

First Day Of School

The first day of school is this Tuesday, August 17! We are thrilled to have this opportunity to educate your child! Please see below for important 1st-day information-

  • Chromebooks- if your child kept a Chromebook over the summer, please send the device and the charger with them on the first day of school. We will be checking out a device for all students and want to make sure your child has the same make and model as the rest of their class. Some grade levels will have the Chromebooks remain in the room (mostly primary), and other grade levels will have students bring their devices home and back to school each day (mostly upper). Your child’s teacher will communicate the plan for devices.
  • Pack a mask, backpack and refillable water bottle (your child’s teacher will communicate other school supplies)
  • Put your child’s name and room number on all lunch boxes, water bottles, sweatshirts, jackets, etc.
  • Due to COVID restrictions, parents will not be allowed to escort their children to their classrooms. However, we will have many staff members available to greet your child and help them find their classroom. Students are likely to be asked their name, grade level, and/or teacher name, so please practice those responses. When 1st-5th grade students enter the campus between 8:15-8:45, they will be directed to their classroom first to drop off their backpacks and belongings, see their teacher, and then to the playground zone. Students will play in grade-level assigned areas before school. During the first week of school, they will go to the same zone each day (listed below), and then we will rotate each day starting the second week of school.
    • 1st Grade: Zone 3 Play structure/ Ball Wall
    • 2nd Grade: Zone 1 Blacktop and Tetherball close to most 2nd grade classrooms
    • 3rd Grade: Zone 2 Basketball close to 3rd-grade classrooms
    • 4th Grade: Zone 4 Field/Soccer Area
    • 5th Grade: Zone 5 Field/Kickball Area
  • Students in PreK are greeted by our PreK staff at the KOC drop-off area and escorted to their rooms.
  • Students in TK and Kindergarten enter through the kindergarten gate and are seated at the colored shapes for their class.
  • Please sign the Health and Safety Agreement 
  • If you’d like to park and walk your child to class, please use the appropriate visitor parking spaces (see explanation below under Parking Lot)
  • Review the bell schedule (below) and arrive at the appropriate time for your child’s grade level

Health and Safety Agreement 

So far, we only have about 200 responses to Health and Safety Agreement form. Please click on the hyperlink and complete the form before the first day of school. The document includes essential information points regarding our protocols for masks, daily symptom screening, close contact identification, what happens when students experience symptoms at school, and quarantine procedures. I do not want anyone to be surprised by these District adopted mandates, so please familiarize yourself with the guidelines and sign the agreement.

**Most importantly, please do not send your child to school if they are experiencing any COVID related symptoms- cough, muscle/body aches, sore throat, nasal congestion/runny nose, fever greater than 100.0 or chills, fatigue, new loss of taste, or smell, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, headache, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, or loss of appetite. Also, please do not send your child to school if s/he is exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID. If we all remain vigilant in keeping our children home due to symptoms or exposure, the safer we will be and the more time students will spend in class. Last year, we prevented several class quarantines because parents did the right thing in keeping students from school when COVID-19 was suspected. Thank you!

Reporting an Absence from School 

Due to the important procedures listed on the Health and Safety Agreement, absence and symptom tracking are very important. If your child needs to miss school, please report the absence using the Absence Reporting Form on the Carrillo website or call (760) 290-2929.

COVID Resource Guide For Parents

Last week, the District sent the COVID Resource Guide to parents. If you haven’t read through it, please click here and review it in detail. There are some major differences from last year in how we identify close contacts and options for parents when their child has been exposed on campus. As a District, our goal is to keep students in class as much as possible. Toward that end, instead of an entire class as close contacts when exposure occurs, only those who were within 6 ft. of a COVID positive individual for 15 minutes or more within 24 hours.

If a child is identified as a “close contact” to a COVID positive individual, students will access independent work assignments via google classroom, iReady My Path, and/or work packets provided by the teacher. Since we are not quarantining the entire class but only students that are close contacts, the teachers will continue to instruct the other students in person during the quarantine and thus not be able to deliver remote instruction simultaneously.

School Picture Day!

Friday, September 3. Students will get their pictures taken during the instructional day.

After School Care

If you are signed up for Kids on Campus before and after school care, the program will begin on the first day of school. Please look for emails from the Director of KOC for all of the information.

There are other options for after-school programs that aren’t operated by SMUSD including the Boys and Girls Club of Bressi Ranch and North County Martial Arts. Both organizations provide transportation/pick up from Carrillo.

North County Martial Arts provides care from TK-5th. Please see the flyers below-

Tk-6th GRADE after school pickup program (2).pdf

North County Martial Arts After School Program-2.docx

Information Below is from my previous newsletter-

Back to School Night

Information will be sent home ahead of time which will cover most of the typical back-to-school night presentation including expectations of the grade level, school supplies, contact information etc. Due to the limited amount of time the teacher will have with you in the room, please read the information ahead of time and be prepared with any questions you may have.

4th and 5th grade 

Wednesday, August 18

  • If your last name begins with A-K, you will attend an in-person back-to-school night from 5 pm - 5: 25 pm.
  • If your last name starts with L-Z, you will attend an in-person back-to-school night from 5:50 pm - 6:15 pm.

1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade 

Thursday, August 19th

  • If your last name begins with A-K, you will attend an in-person back-to-school night from 5 pm - 5: 25 pm.
  • If your last name starts with L-Z, you will attend an in-person back-to-school night from 5:50 pm - 6:15 pm.

TK, and Kinder 

Thursday, September 2

  • If your last name begins with A-K, you will attend an in-person back-to-school night from 5 pm - 5: 25 pm.
  • If your last name starts with L-Z, you will attend an in-person back-to-school night from 5:50 pm - 6:15 pm.

Important Information for BTSN-

  1. Visitors and staff are required to wear masks indoors at all times, regardless of your vaccination status.
  2. The presentations are for the parents, so please keep your children at home, if possible. If you must bring your children, they must stay with you during the presentation. The playground, field, and blacktop are closed during Back to School Night.
  3. If you are in the first round, 5-5:25, it will be imperative that you leave promptly to vacate the parking spots for the next group. If you are in the second round, please do not arrive until 5:35 to allow time for parking spots to open up.

Parking Lot 

Anyone that has had a student at Carrillo knows that our parking lot can be challenging. With only one lane in and one lane out and a street light that is known for malfunctioning, we need everyone on the same page to make our procedures as smooth and painless as possible. Collectively, we can save time while ensuring safety. Here are some friendly reminders-

Parking Lot Reminders: 

  • The main lot will be used for staff only. This includes the spaces on the side of the lot, closest to the kindergarten gate. Please do not park there to drop off or pick up because it causes a delay in the drop-off and pick-up line when cars pull out.
  • Visitor Parking: side lot (along Poinsettia) or in the overflow lot.
  • KOC Lot: KOC parents, part-time staff members, volunteers, and health office
  • 2nd-grade and PreK will pick up from the KOC lot. Everyone else will pick up from the main lot.
  • Unless you have a PreK or 2nd-grader, please DO NOT drive straight towards the KOC lot during drop-off and pick-up times. (8:05-8:45 and 3:10-3:45). Everyone else needs to go through the loop to avoid a collision and prevent gridlock in the parking lot.
  • Do not park and leave your car in the pick-up lane or fire lane at any time. If you would like to escort your child to your car during pick-up or drop-off times, please park in the overflow lot and walk along the sidewalk to the front of the school. The overflow lot is accessible by making an immediate right after entering the parking lot.
  • When dropping off and picking up through the loop, please pull all the way forward. There will be signs and staff members there to assist you.
  • When pulling into our lot during busy times, the left turn into the school can be very long. However, the problem is intensified when cars turn right on Paseo Escuela (into the neighborhood) and skip the line. Please wait patiently for the light to turn green and do not turn into the neighborhood to go straight. This blocks traffic and causes delays for all.

Bell Schedule 

TK- 8:15 am - 11:50 am (Wednesday release at 10:50 am)

AM Pre-k - 8:25 am - 11:25 am (no school on Wednesday)

PM Pre-k – 12:10 pm – 3:10 pm (no school on Wednesday)

Kindergarten- 8:15 am - 1:40 pm, Monday-Friday. Drop off is between 8:00 am-8:15 am daily.

1st- 5th- 8:45 am - 3:10 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Wednesday is early release at 2:10 pm. The earliest drop-off is at 8:00 am in the cafeteria for breakfast or TK/Kinder siblings. The gates open at 8:15 am for before school play.


  • PreK recess is typically 30 minutes (on the PreK playground) and snack is around 20 minutes.
  • TK will both have a 20-minute recess and snack time.
  • Kindergarten through 5th grade will have a 20-minute recess/snack time and 45-minute lunch break. Students must bring a snack from home. However, lunch will be provided at no cost for students this year. If students would rather bring their lunch, that is fine as well. Please visit the Child Nutrition Services page for Free and Reduced Applications and the calendar of meals that we will provide. Since the Free and Reduced Lunch Applications offer more services beyond lunch (and lunch is already free), I ask that you still complete this application if you believe it would apply to your family.

In addition to weekly emails, I also communicate short reminders to parents via the app. I created new groups this year so all families will need to add themselves to the classes by clicking on the links below. You should download the app from to ensure you receive all of the messages. This is optional since messaging rates may apply, and you may not want to receive frequent messages from me. Please click on the appropriate link below-





3rd- grade-



Important Dates at a Glance 

  • August 16- PreK Meet and Greet
  • August 16- Menchies Dine out (Bressi Ranch)
  • August 17- First Day Of School
  • August 18- 4th and 5th-grade Back to School Night
  • August 19- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-grade Back to School Night
  • August 20- Flag Salute Assembly on the blacktop
  • August 20- First PTO Meeting on Google Meet (all are welcome!)
  • August 28- PTO Sponsored Family Movie Night!- Doors will open at 6:30 pm. “Raya the Last Dragon” will begin at dusk.
  • September 2- PreK, TK, and Kindergarten Back to School Night
  • September 3- School Picture Day

Thank you,

Gary Pope, Principal

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