Arrival & Dismissal

bus gif

Arrival at School

School begins at 8:45 for 1st - 5th grades. The line up bell rings at 8:43am. Children are allowed to come on the playground at 8:15 am when supervision is provided. For your children's safety, they are not to arrive before this time. Please make plans for them if you must leave for work at an earlier time.

Drop Off / Pick Up

If you are dropping off or picking up your child, please do so in the parking lot located on near the front entrance or at the back of the school in the Leo Carrillo Park. For the safety of all children, please do not enter the bus and KOC area. In addition, for the safety of your children, please use the cross walks at all times. If you have business at school, please use designated parking spaces in either parking lot. At no time should cars be double parked or parked in the bus lanes located in the main parking lot.

Change of Dismissal Plans

Your child will be sent home directly after school. If a change in the normal routine is requested, a written note from the parents is necessary. There is no provision for children to play on campus after class dismissal.


Leaving School Early

Students may not leave school early unless they are signed out and picked up in the office by a parent/guardian . Students will not be called out of class until their parent/guardian has signed them out in the front office and has shown identification. If a parent/guardian would like some one other than themselves to pick up their child early from school, the front office must have a note or phone call telling them the date, child's name, teacher, and the name of the person who is picking up the child. Students will no longer be excused to persons listed on the emergency card in non-emergency situations.

Particulars Regarding Getting To and From Carrillo

  • Students enter campus at the walk through gate by the K.O.C. building, or the gate by the office.
  • Students arrive at school no earlier than 8:15.
  • Students go directly to the playground and drop backpacks at the classroom line up dot.
  • Students who are late check in at the office before going to class.
  • Students are not allowed to stay around after school unless attending an enrichment class.
  • Students who walk to school must use crosswalks to cross streets and must stay on the sidewalk.
  • Bikes and Scooters are allowed, but all safety equipment must be worn and in good working order. Parents make the decision regarding students using these types of vehicles to get to and from school.
  • Locks are recommended.
  • All wheeled vehicles must be walked when students are on the school site, and parked in the bike yard (by the cafeteria).
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