Facilities and Classroom Conditions Update

Carrillo Community, 

As the district continues to work to resolve facilities needs on the Carrillo campus, we thought it would be helpful to keep a running update of all communication sent to our families. Please see the below:

District Update: Carrillo Blacktop & Field Project, 02.2025

Carrillo staff & families,
As we shared in the January update, we are excited that Phase 1 of the large-scale blacktop & field project will officially begin on Friday, February 14, 2025. During this time, school operations will need to be adjusted. 
Some of these changes to the campus will be:

  • Construction fencing up around key areas of work
  • Alternate playground areas will be ready for student use
  • All student pick up and drop off will take place at the front entrance of the school
  • The back gate entrance will be closed, please consider planning for additional time to pick up and drop off your student

As a reminder, should you wish to have your student take the bus to and from school, please complete this application and our Transportation Department will contact you.
Phase 1 will consist of:

  • Demolition
  • Installation of new drainage system 
  • Concrete treatment
  • Bioswale installation
  • New shade shelter for play areas
  • New artificial (no-fill) track and turf
  • Phase 1 project duration: February - August, all work and schedules are weather permitting

Additionally, Principal Keeton has compiled a detailed presentation further addressing impacts to campus. Please click here to watch her video presentation.
Once again we thank you for your support as we work on a long-term solution for the students, staff and families of Carrillo Elementary. 
-SMUSD Project Team


District Update: Carrillo Blacktop & Field Project, 01.2025

Carrillo staff & families,

We are excited to share with you that we are moving forward on the large-scale blacktop and field project and Phase 1 of this project will officially begin on Friday, February 14, 2025.
Phase 1 will consist of construction fencing going up around the key areas of work, which include the PE field. While this area will be inaccessible, we will have multiple alternate playground areas available for students. Additionally, Phase 1 will also impact drop off and pick up, as the back gate entrance will need to be closed. All student pick up and drop off will take place at the front entrance of the school. As a reminder, as of this school year Carrillo now offers families home-to-school bus service available for all students. During construction, should you wish to have your student take the bus to and from school, please complete this application and our Transportation Department will contact you.
Phase 1 of the project is scheduled to begin in February and continue through August. As we receive more details, we will share them with you in our February update.
We realize that the conditions of this project are not ideal, and we are doing everything possible to create an engaging learning experience for our students during this time.
We thank you for your patience and support.
-SMUSD Project Team


District Update: Carrillo Blacktop & Field Project, 12.9.24

Carrillo staff & families, 

While we are still awaiting final sign off on all necessary permits with the City of Carlsbad, we are moving forward on the bidding process for subcontractors. This will allow us to have all teams ready as soon as we have approval from the City. 

Additionally, we are currently working on a detailed project timeline that will outline different phases of the project and their anticipated completion. We plan to share this with you in a future update. 

We hope you enjoy a wonderful holiday season. 


-SMUSD Project Team


Update: Carrillo Classrooms, 10.30.24

Good morning Carrillo families, 

We are reaching out in follow up to our update shared last week recapping a staff meeting with Forensic Analytical, regarding temperature, humidity and CO2 levels in classrooms.

HVAC units & Air Quality 

The last update shared that while the official reports would be forthcoming, the indoor air quality data collected (temperature, humidity, CO2) was within safe ranges. They did however make recommendations to improve conditions to make for a more comfortable and productive learning environment. 

Since this last update, we have received the reports from Forensic Analytical and have them attached here. The reports reiterate that all classrooms are within safe ranges, and that we are still working to address some humidity issues in a small number of classrooms based on their recommendations. We thank you for your patience as we work to increase ventilation and improve air conditioning through the HVAC system.

Additionally, we received a complaint of foul smells in classroom 13, and tested the room for mold with Forensic Analytical. The findings revealed that there was no mold present in the classroom, and have the report attached here. We have worked to address the odor in the room including steam cleaning the carpets. 

Preparing for upcoming wet weather

As you may recall, this past summer we repaired and replaced the old roof with a brand new roofing system on classrooms 21-30. The contractor has recently conducted water testing of these new roofs ahead of the rainy season for possible early detection of any leaks or water intrusion issues. We are pleased to share with you that none were found.  Due to this extensive work over the summer, we believe these classrooms are well prepared as we approach the wet weather season. 

As an additional preparation measure, we have cleaned out all of the rain gutters and conducted preventative roof maintenance, including patching roofs where necessary, throughout the other buildings on campus. As an additional preventative measure, throughout the campus rain gutters and roof drains will be serviced and maintained prior to the winter. Last Spring, preventative maintenance was performed on all the roofs to address roof leaks.

We will continue to monitor all facilities conditions as we head into the rainy months. Once again, we thank you for your patience and support as we work through campus facilities needs.

Thank you, 

-SMUSD Project Team __________________________________________________________________________

District Update: Carrillo Classrooms, 10.18.24

Good Morning Carrillo families, 

We are reaching out to share an update with you after a staff meeting earlier this week with Forensic Analytical, regarding the humidity and CO2 levels in classrooms.

HVAC units & Air Quality 

Our District Maintenance & Operations team were able to bring down the wall in the "HVAC alley" located in between the classrooms in building 21-30. This was one of the items in our process of eliminating the possible causes of thermal discomfort in these classrooms. The removal of the wall will improve the air ventilation in this particular space.

Additionally, Ben Kollmeyer from Forensic Analytical, was able to visit Carrillo for some additional troubleshooting work earlier this week. Over the past two weeks, Ben and his team have been compiling and analyzing the data that was collected from commercial grade, professionally calibrated indoor environmental quality (IEQ) monitors that were placed in several locations on campus. This past Monday, October 14, Ben presented these findings and results to Carrillo staff and district leaders. 

While the official report is forthcoming, and will be posted on the school Facilities & Classroom Conditions webpage, Forensic Analytical is reporting that the indoor air quality data collected (temperature, humidity, CO2) was within safe ranges. They did however find humidity and CO2 levels outside of guideline ranges in some rooms, which indicates the need to take actions to improve conditions and make for a more comfortable and productive learning environment. To this end, they will be providing recommendations for improving indoor environmental quality which are largely focused on increasing outdoor air ventilation and conditioning through the HVAC system. These recommendations will be implemented by District Maintenance and Operations in conjunction with our Cal-SHAPE grant, which is focused on the same activities.

District Maintenance & Operations Staffing and Work Order Updates

The District M&O team, comprised of 17 maintenance staff who serve all SMUSD schools, has been working hard to address concerns on the Carrillo campus as quickly as possible. 

Here is some data on work orders completed at Carrillo since June:

102 total maintenance work orders

  • 12 electrical
  • 29 General maintenance
  • 30 HVAC
  • 12 Locksmith
  • 16 Plumbing
  • Other 3

35 Preventative maintenance work orders (originated by M&O)

  • This consists of a combination of HVAC, Pest Control, Electrical and Grounds related tasks.

In the past 10 months, Carrillo averages 24 work order requests per month.

  • 91% of work orders submitted during that period are completed in the same month they were issued.
  • In August and September, the team processed an average of 45 work order requests completing 91% of those requests in the same period requested.

As our team works to maintain facilities across the district, we are working hard to optimize the response time to all work orders and look forward to continuing to serve the Carrillo community. Please continue to watch for future updates as we have progress to share.  

Thank you, 

SMUSD Communications


District Update: Carrillo Blacktop & Field Project, 10.6.24

Carrillo staff & families, 

We are pleased to share with you that progress on the large-scale blacktop and field project is moving forward. We are currently in the third, and final, round of approval on our required permit from the City of Carlsbad. Normally this permit process entails four rounds of approval, and we are grateful that the City is working with us to help expedite this process. 

Additionally, we want to share with you that as we move through various aspects of the project, we will have our drilling subcontractor on campus proceeding with necessary work on the morning of October 10th. We are working closely with the subcontractors and school administration to ensure this work does not pose disruptions to learning.  

The project team has also created an FAQ providing information to the most frequently asked questions regarding this project, available here.  

-SMUSD Project Team


Update: Carrillo Classrooms, 9.24.24

Dear Carrillo families of classrooms 17-39, 

We wanted to share an update with you from our last communication regarding the humidity and CO2 levels in classrooms.

Classrooms 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 34 & 39

Last week, our air quality consultant, Forensics Analytical, was able to place Indoor Air Quality (IAQs)  monitors in these classrooms. Additionally, there was a monitor placed in the “HVAC Alley” located in the center of this building and another monitor placed outside Mrs. Keeton’s office to gather the regular outdoor air levels. 

In the portable building, classrooms 21-30, the wall that blocks the “HVAC Alley” will be coming down and replaced with a chain link fence. The intent of this removal is to increase airflow around the HVAC units that service these classrooms. The date for the removal of the wall is anticipated to take place this week, September 23-28, 2024. 

Yesterday afternoon, Jackson and Blanc Service techs were back on campus after school to continue to troubleshoot the humidity and CO2 concerns in classrooms 21-30. In addition, the isolated thermostat issue in classroom 21 was resolved by Jackson and Blanc, and the thermostat in classroom 23 was replaced and the issues were resolved.  

In the portable building wing for classrooms 31-39, District technicians were able to troubleshoot rooms 31-35 and resolve the issues with the thermostats. Classroom 32 had the temporary A/C unit removed, and classroom 34 continues to have a temporary A/C unit installed to continue efforts to maintain comfort in the space while testing continues. 

Forensics Analytical will be returning to Carrillo this week to download the information collected thus far from the monitors. We plan to meet with them next week to further review the data and information they have gathered to date and plan to share this information with you as well. 

HVAC units & Air Quality

We would like to inform you that Maintenance & Operations ensured that each HVAC unit had its coils cleaned throughout the entire campus. The Testing & Air Balancing process will continue this week until completed for all spaces. In the permanent buildings, the District continues to monitor CO2 and comfort levels which are now being maintained by extending the run time of the HVAC systems from 7:45 am - 4:00 pm. 

Additionally, there was a concern in classroom 13 regarding a question of mold. Testing was completed in this room by Forensics Analytical and there were no elevated mold spore levels in the air and there were no signs of moisture or mold in the investigation. The custodial team plans to steam clean the carpet in room 13 over the next week or two. 

The Maintenance & Operations Department has three temporary spare A/C units located in the Maintenance building at Mata Way in the event they are needed for an urgent matter to address discomfort issues. At any time, if a student/staff member is in a space where they are uncomfortable, or that is unmanageable, please let Principal Keeton know.  

Thank you, Carrillo Colts, for all of your continued support and understanding as we actively work on these facility issues. 

Thank you, 

SMUSD Communications


Campus Update, 9.12.24

Dear Carrillo staff & families, 

We have received several questions regarding C02 levels in some rooms on campus and would like to share some information to address these concerns. 

SMUSD recently installed new thermostats across 15 campuses, including Carrillo Elementary, through the California Schools Healthy Air, Plumbing, & Efficiency (CalSHAPE) grant program. CalSHAPE provides funding to schools to improve indoor air quality through assessment of HVAC systems, general maintenance and adjustment, filter replacement, and carbon dioxide monitor installation including certain repairs, replacements and other improvements to HVAC systems.

After the new thermostats were installed, the objective was to monitor the ventilation of air in classroom spaces (including CO2 levels) and gather data to evaluate if air ventilation could be improved. During this monitoring process at Carrillo, there was a heightened level of concern by staff during the unprecedented heat wave we all experienced over the last week.  

After receiving reports of elevated C02 levels, district officials have been out to campus and immediately began working with a forensics analysis consultant to monitor the air and capture data. The data did indicate that CO2 levels peaked when the rooms became occupied by students (for example, after students returned from recess), which is normal.  Although the levels did peak occasionally, they were not at levels that exposed students or staff to any severe health risk.  

While we do have further analytics that will be forthcoming, for now please be assured that C02 levels in classrooms have always remained safe. Please watch for updates as more information becomes available. 

Thank you, 

SMUSD Communications


Heat-related conditions on campus, 9.6.24

Dear Carrillo staff & families, 

We are reaching out to share an update with you regarding classroom conditions on campus. With record-breaking heat this week, SMUSD is currently conducting a thorough assessment of HVAC systems at several district campuses, including Carrillo.

Today, district officials, the Superintendent, and HVAC techs were on campus assessing and monitoring a variety of classroom environment conditions, including temperature and humidity. At this point we have assessed classrooms on campus, and while there have been elevated temperatures and humidity in some classrooms, there have been no unsafe conditions on campus. In instances where AC units have been unable to keep temperatures at comfortable levels, classes have temporarily been moved to other spaces. Because Monday and Tuesday are expected to be the warmest days next week, AC settings will be adjusted to start before school at a lower temperature. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this unprecedented heat wave. 


SMUSD Communications


District Update: Carrillo Blacktop & Field Project, 9.1.24

Thank you to those who attended the recent in-person Parent Meeting on August 15th to hear an overview and update on this large-scale project. 

We realize this project poses multiple inconveniences and are committed to working through them with as little student and staff disruption as possible.

In follow up to the Parent Meeting, the SMUSD project team will be providing a monthly update to share progress and the status of this project with you. 

The project team has created an FAQ based on the questions we received during the Parent Meeting. Please click here to view the FAQ.

In addition to the Parent Meeting, during the August Governing Board meeting, the Board heard an in-depth presentation on the Carrillo Project which included an overview, scope of the project, and next steps. To view the on-demand video of the meeting, please click here and begin watching at 25:26 timestamp.

To review the presentation shared during this meeting, please click here for the August Board Brief.

Families also received a communication with a project video, please check your email or see the Carrillo ParentSquare page.

Thank you for your patience, understanding, and flexibility as we navigate this project together. 

-SMUSD Project Team


Update on Blacktop & Field Renovations, 8.7.24


Dear Carrillo Families,

I am so excited to welcome back all of our amazing students, staff and families for the 2024-25 school year! While you will soon receive important school updates, I am specifically reaching out to share an update on the blacktop & grass fields. 

As you are aware, district experts, engineers, architects and city officials have all been working, since the last school year, to implement a long-term solution to address the excess water flow that has deteriorated our blacktop and grass fields. Last school year we communicated to you that work would be completed before the start of the 2024-25 school year. However, as teams have continued to work, it has been discovered this issue is more extensive than previously assessed. This was very disappointing to all of us. 

I encourage you to watch this brief video, featuring President of Erickson-Hall Construction, Mat Gates, sharing an overview of the current situation:

As described in the video, this solution entails removal of the main asphalt play area and new drainage systems, and a new subsurface concrete foundation that will prevent water damage in the future.

We have been working closely with the City of Carlsbad on this project and are currently in the permit process, and while these timelines are not in our control, they understand the urgency of this project. Once this process has been completed our construction crews can move forward with this large-scale project.  

Current Solutions for this School Year

I realize that once again this presents limited playground access for our students and I am just as saddened as you. However, crews are working diligently to make improvements to increase playground access while this large-scale project is underway. These include:

  • Safely keeping the play area at the north side of campus open
  • Expanding the blacktop play areas by fencing off the upper section of the front parking lot
  • Adding gaga courts to the asphalt area that remains in use
  • Opening up the grass areas in between buildings on the south side of campus during lunch and recess

Our goal is to keep students safe while opening as much of the campus as possible for play space during recess and lunch. 

I invite you to an upcoming Parent Meeting where district experts will have a thorough presentation to share all of the details of this project, current status, next steps and timelines. This Parent Meeting will take place on August 15th at 6pm on our Carrillo campus.

We acknowledge these conditions are far from ideal and are working as hard as possible on a highly complex project toward a permanent solution. 

Thank you in advance for your support, understanding, and patience. I am truly thankful for our amazing school community.


Amanda Keeton


Erin Garcia

Assistant Superintendent of Business Services


Associated Reports:

September 21, 2023: Mold Investigation Report: Findings of Initial & Post Remediation Assessments

December 20, 2023: Mold Investigation Report: Findings of Initial Assessment

October 21, 2024: Indoor Environmental Quality Report

October 22, 2024: Mold Investigation Report

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