Home Routine

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Home Routine

Math Facts
  If your child does not know his/her math facts by memory, this would be a good place to start.  They should know at least 1-10 addition and subtraction facts within about 3 seconds.  Such as 9-3=6.  After that, move on to numbers 11 -20. Such as 12+7=19.  Later on in the year, they will need to know the same with multiplication and division, but let me teach the concept first. 

Make this fun!  You can buy or make flashcards, play free online games (just do a search), print practice pages (just do a search), ask verbally while making dinner together or driving from activities.  Trust me... it will pay off! 

I will also assign family projects throughout the year.  Such as the "All About Me" bag,  Living History Museum, and students also do research reports and share with the class.  You will receive a head's up, I promise! 

The following activities should be accessed through the CLEVER LOG - IN.  

iReady - Math and Language Arts  (more information coming soon!)
Reflex Math - Math Fluency

Here is the link to SPELLING CITY


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