Classroom Expectations

The purpose of this classroom management plan is to teach life lessons in responsibility, accountability and trust. It is to compassionately instill in all students an intrinsic desire to make the right choices for themselves, their classmates and families. In doing so, it brings peace and uninterrupted learning in our classroom. Here are our classroom expectations:
Listen Carefully
- Follow Directions
- Take Turns Talking
- Be Safe
“I promise to treat everyone with respect. I promise to listen to everyone and take care of any problems they are having. I promise to follow this classroom management plan exactly as written. I promise to speak softly with patience, love and understanding and to safeguard everyone’s right to learn and enjoy school.” -Mrs. Schmeiser
Therefore, when a student breaks a rule they first receive a verbal warning “Strike 1”. If another rule is broken, a second consequence of “Strike 2” is given and they will take a “Brain Break” in a quiet place in the classroom. The student and I will conference to discuss their behavior choices and possible solutions. If misbehavior persists, the student will receive “Strike 3” and a note sent home for parents to sign and return the next day. (See attach sheet for example of the note home.)
For behavior that is exceeding our classroom expectations, students will move their clip up and receive verbal praises, stickers, high fives in the areas of Kindness, GRIT, Problem Solver, and/or Innovation Creation. We also have a warm fuzzy jar to act as a whole class reward. Once the jar is filled, the children get a “surprise” from me. I will be sure to let you know specific details of the “surprise”.
Thank you for your support!
Mrs. Schmeiser