
Mr. Saulino

Dear Parents,

I would like to begin by expressing my excitement and high hopes for the coming school year. A rich and exciting curriculum awaits your new second grader! While continuing to build on the state standards in language arts and math, our class will also be studying geography, ecosystems, historical figures, and oceanic conservation. Moreover, students will be perfecting their public speaking skills and enhancing their reading power through my “Reading to Sing” program. Additionally, I like to honor student-inspired projects. Past initiatives have included plastics recycling, international relief efforts, and non-profit fundraising, so we’ll see what else comes up this year! Carrillo is fortunate to have Gary Pope, an excellent leader who inspires both teachers and kids. With our newly instituted “Professional Learning Communities”, we teachers are empowered to create the learning environments we know are best for each child. And of course, we have the best PTO to ever grace an elementary school campus. So with your support, we are truly a powerful force for our students’ development. In order to ensure the highest-quality education for your child, it is imperative that you and I establish a direct line of communication. Please never hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about your child’s school experience.

Yours sincerely,

Ted Saulino 290-2900 Ext. 3041

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