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Welcome to the Speech & Language Room!

Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year! We are so eager to work with your child and to make progress towards his/her individual goals!

Services for speech/language will be provided in one of two service delivery models (pull out, push in or a combination of the two). "Pull out" services entail a student being removed from the general education classroom to receive specialized instruction in the therapy room. This type of service is typically selected if the service would be disruptive or less beneficial to provide within the general education environment (for example, articulation therapy). "Push in" therapy is provided within the child's general education setting. This type of service is typically selected if the service should be tied directly to the curriculum or instruction being provided in the academic environment (for example, a child with a language delay/disorder or a social communication deficit). "Push In" services may include a whole group, small group or Co-Teaching format. For some students, it is beneficial to employ a combination of these service delivery models.

If you have any questions about the type or frequency of your child's speech and language therapy, please do not hesitate to contact us!

We are both looking forward to working with you and your child, as they continue to make progress this school year! Please check out the "about me" tab to get to know your SLPs! 

Warm Regards,

Carrillo Speech Team

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