September 12, 2021

Dear Carrillo Families,

Thank you for another great week at Carrillo. Students are settling into new procedures and routines of the classroom, entering and exiting campus, and lunch and recess and expectations. Our school system has many moving parts, and we appreciate your help in emphasizing the importance of following the rules and practicing good citizenship.

I hope this weekend was meaningful for you as we commemorate the 20th anniversary of 9/11. It is a time to remember the sacrifices of our brave first responders and our armed forces personnel, as well as average citizens doing heroic work. Remembering 9/11 always makes me think of the importance of being united as a community and working collectively to promote positivity.


Leo Carrillo Singers is a FREE commitment offered by the PTO!! Rehearsals are on Monday mornings from 7:30 to 8:15 am. September 27 is our first rehearsal.

This year we only have 72 spots because of COVID capacity issues in the MPR. We will open up spots on certain days, corresponding to grade level.

5th graders will be able to begin signing up on September 21.

2-4th graders will be able to sign up on September 22.

1st graders will be able to sign up if spots are still available on September 23.

Sign-ups for all grades will close on September 24 at 9 pm.

Look for a Remind message or email on the corresponding days to sign your singing students up! We can't wait to sing with your students!! -Mrs. Odenwalder & Mrs. Larochelle

Makeup Picture Day is This Wednesday!

Wednesday, September 15, during the instructional day.

Crosswalk Safety

We are getting reports from the crossing guards that some students are not waiting for the light to turn green and not listening to the crossing guards. If your children walk home, please remind them to listen to the crossing guards and wait until the crosswalk is clear to walk.  I will add this message to my weekly announcements to students as well. 

Flippin Pizza Dineout This Week

Date: Monday-Thursday, September 13th-16th

Time: 11:00 am – 8:00 pm

Flippin' Pizza Vista

2440 S. Melrose Drive


25% back of our sales will be donated back to our school

Eat Pizza for a Cause!

Mention flyer or mention Carrillo by phone/online

Medication At School

A few students came to school with cough drops last week. Although students are not allowed to have them in their backpacks, cough drops can be kept for students in the health office as long as we have a parent note. If students need a cough drop, they come to the health office, but they must stay in the office until finished to return.

All other medications need two forms to be completed:

1. parent authorization for medication administration

2. physician's statement completed.

Both of these forms are available in the health office.

Volunteers on Campus

The District has approved volunteers on campus that can prove their vaccination status. All volunteers are required to review and agree to the Carrillo Elementary Volunteer Guidelines and provide proof of their vaccination status. We are only allowing parent volunteers outdoors for Running Club but hope to add more volunteers over time. Students and staff are still settling into the classroom setting, so we would like to start slow.

Running Club

Mrs. Byrne, our PTO representative in charge of Running Club, will begin organizing the charms, running sheets, and volunteers for Running Club. A flyer should be coming home next week. Running Club is an optional activity for students before school and possibly at recess if we have enough volunteers. The volunteers mark off each lap a student completes on their running club card. Students earn milestone awards and other prizes for running achievement. The Running Club is a wonderful tradition at Carrillo that provides a safe, fun, and healthy outlet for the energy students bring to school each day.

Flag Salute This Friday

We will have the second Flag Salute this Friday, and our first awards ceremony at 8:45 am. Since safety is our highest priority, we ask that only the parents and guardians of the students receiving awards attend to keep the crowd to a minimum.  All visitors will need to complete the RSVP form and stand in the designated visitor area. We hope to eventually allow all parents on campus again once the pandemic is less of a concern. Your child's teacher will inform you if your child is receiving an award.

Special Election: Carrillo Polling Location

As a reminder, our Multipurpose Room will be used on Monday and Tuesday this week for voting. The voting activity will take place on one-half of the MPR (closer to the parking lot). We blocked off the "school side" of the MPR with partitions to ensure breakfast and lunch service is not interrupted, and students will not contact any poll workers. On Wednesday, poll workers will break down, and the full MPR will be back to normal.

All poll workers and voters are required to wear masks while indoors at all times.

Students that arrive for breakfast at 8 am on these days will need to enter campus through the black gate and use the school entrance to the MPR.

Parent-Teacher Conference Week

There will be no school on October 11 and a modified week for October 12-15. In a correction from previous newsletters, the release time for K-5th will be 1:25 pm. Please see the Conference Week Letter for more details.

All parent-teacher conferences will take place virtually this year. Your child’s teacher will be sending home sign-up and log-in information for either Zoom or Google Meet.

Student Absences

As a parent myself, I certainly recognize the added stress of our new policy regarding symptom tracking, testing, close contact tracing, and quarantine protocols. Although this does create a hardship on families, I have seen these protocols successfully avoid COVID-19 exposure on campus on numerous occasions. Some individuals that remain at home for the slightest of symptoms have ended up testing positive. By staying home, honestly reporting symptoms, getting tested, and following the protocols, our students, staff, and families remain safe, and students remain in school. I can't thank everyone enough for your commitment to our community by following the guidelines.

Independent Work During Stay at Home Orders

All grade levels from Kinder-5th have created a google classroom or other virtual space to provide students access to curriculum and resources while at home. The goal of the digital work is to provide continued practice in the essential math, reading, and writing standards that are the focus of the week a student is at home. The assignments will address the same standards that the classroom is focused on but may not be the same materials since the materials used in-person are designed for teacher-directed instruction, student-student interaction, and collaboration.

Important Dates at a Glance

  • September 15- Make-up Picture Day
  • September 17- Flag Salute and Awards at 8:45 am
  • September 17- PTO Meeting at 9:30 am
  • September 21- English Learner Advisory Council (ELAC) Meeting at 5:30 pm via Google Meet
    • Join with Google Meet

  • September 22- School Site Council Meeting (all parents are welcome) at 5:30 pm via Zoom
    • Join Zoom Meeting

  • October 8- Flag Salute
  • Parent-Teacher Conference Week
    • October 11- No School for students.
    • October 12-15- Minimum Day Schedule (K-5 will release at 1:25 pm)
  • October 16- Fall Bash and Marine Corps Canned Food and Diaper Drive Kickoff
  • October 8-16- Book Fair in the Library- The first book fair will run in conjunction with parent-teacher conferences and the Fall Bash so feel free to stop by when you’re on campus. Please click below if you'd like to receive grade-level reminders through





3rd- grade-




Thank you,

Gary Pope, Principal

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