Dear Carrillo Families,
I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and have enjoyed the extra hour of sleep! This week, we are only in session from Monday through Wednesday due to the Veteran’s Day holiday. With Veteran’s Day landing on a Thursday, the School District has given us Friday off as well. Please enjoy the long weekend next week. If you are looking for a meaningful way to spend Veterans, please consider purchasing canned food, diapers, or wipes for local Marines!
Food and Diaper Drive to benefit Camp Pendleton Marines
The big event this month is our food and diaper collection for Camp Pendleton Marines. This tradition began soon after the 9/11 attack in 2001, as a way for our community to give back to those that sacrifice for our nation. We are so happy to have this opportunity to make a difference to young Marines and their families, and we greatly appreciate each of your support to make this happen. Although you can bring canned food, diapers, or baby wipes on any day, we have help from a Carrillo Girl Scout troop on Mondays and Fridays to gather the collections.
If you would like to help with collecting donations, please click below to sign up to volunteer.
Marine Corps Flag Salute
On December 3, Marines from Camp Pendleton will be coming to Carrillo to pick up all of our donations and be honored with a special Flag Salute/Performance. The Flag Salute serves as a salute to all service members. We would love to invite any parents or grandparents within our community who are veterans or active duty service members as well! I will send an RSVP form as the date approaches.
5th-Grade Presents...The Festival of Lights! (Message from our 5th-grade committee)
I am happy to announce the first-ever Carrillo Festival of Lights! The event will take place on Friday, December 10th, 2021, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm and be hosted by the 5th Grade Promotion Committee. In the spirit of the holiday season, we are excited to gather our amazing Carrillo community and display our Carrillo spirit in beautiful HOLIDAY LIGHTS!!!
The event will be free entry, but our sweet 5th graders will have a table set up and will welcome any donation. There will be items for sale such as Hot Cocoa, Cookie and S’mores Kits, Light necklaces, and Candy Cane Grams…just to name a few. Rush Coffee truck will be there, and we hope to have a few more food trucks as well. All proceeds from this event will go back to the school and help with 5th-grade promotion and our Class of 2022 gift. We will send out flyers in the coming weeks with all the details.
Chromebook Insurance
November 9 is the last day to purchase Chromebook insurance from San Marcos Unified School District. Please see the flyer for details.
San Marcos Device Insurance_Digital_9.16_R1.pdf
PTO Meeting
The next PTO meeting will be this Wednesday, 11/10 at 9 am. The meeting will take place in person (at the lunch tables) and via Zoom. This is open to all Carrillo parents and a great way to be connected with school events. Please see below for the link.
Important Dates at a Glance
- October 18-December 3- Marine Corps Canned Food and Diaper Drive Kickoff
- November 7- Daylight Savings Time Ends
- November 10- PTO Meeting at 9 am (on-campus and virtual) (ID: 84970199552)
- November 11 and 12- No School in observance of Veteran’s Day
- November 22-29- No School, Thanksgiving Break
- December 3- Marine Corps Flag Salute
- December 10- Flag Salute and Awards 8:50 am - 9:40 am
- December 10- Festival of Lights @6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
- December 20-January 7- No School, Winter Break Please click below if you'd like to receive grade-level reminders through
3rd- grade-
Thank you,
Gary Pope, Principal