
Attendance Line: (760) 290-2929

Attendance Clerk:
Mrs. MaryAnn White
(760) 290-2929

Attendance / Extended Absences

State law requires regular and punctual attendance. On each day your child is absent, please call the Attendance Number 290-2929 and give the reason for the absence. Should a situation arise which requires your child to be absent from school for 5 days or more, please notify the teacher and the office in advance. An Independent Study Contract will be given and should be completed by the time the student returns to school.

Tardy Procedures

Late students must first report to the office for a Tardy Slip prior to going to their classroom. The start of the school day is one of the most important times of the day for your child. Please work to always have your child at school on time!

Change of Dismissal Plans

Your child will be sent home directly after school. If a change in the normal routine is requested, a written note from the parents is necessary. There is no provision for children to play on campus after class dismissal. STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO GO DIRECTLY HOME AFTER CLASS DISMISSAL.

Leaving School Early

Students may not leave school early unless they are signed out and picked up in the office by a parent or other person authorized by a parent/guardian. Students will no longer be release to anyone other than a parent/guardian, unless the front office staff have a written note or verbal consent from the parent/guardian. The office must have parental consent for EACH time the student will be picked up early.

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