Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How does running club work?
 All students K – 5 will be issued a Run Club card with a personalized QR code if they wish to participate in the Carrillo Running Club. The system is completely electronic…no more cardstock running cards!
 Credit is given to every completed lap whether it is walked, crawled, or ran. Time is not a component of any award or recognition activities.
 Necklace charms are earned for each 5 miles completed. Special seasonal charms are also provided as well as charms for mileage milestones.

Are there other incentives or recognition given by the program?
 Students will receive a Certificate of Achievement for every 25-mile increment completed. Certificates will be issued at our monthly flag salute to recognize the hard work of our students.
 Students will earn medals, trophies, or plaques when they pass certain mileage milestones.
 Individual classrooms in the Grade 1 -3 Division and the 4-5 Division will also be recognized based upon a composite score based on total miles ran and number of students participating.

When can I run?
 Run club takes place every morning from 8:15 – 8:45 at the P.E. field for grades 1-5.
 Kindergarten classes will complete run club during their class time as scheduled by their teachers.
 We hope to expand the Carrillo Run Club to include recess so that students can accumulate even more miles; however, additional volunteers are necessary to make this happen.

Can I volunteer to help?
 Absolutely!! Volunteers are always welcomed to assist with the Carrillo Run Club. Volunteers will need to complete the school’s volunteer registration form and submit to the front-office and comply with any COVID-19 vaccination and/or testing requirements.

Who do I contact?
 Submit all questions or interest to volunteer to the Carrillo Run Club Coordinator at
[email protected]


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