Dear Carrillo Families,
I’m sending my newsletter a little early this week to remind everyone that we have a long weekend ahead for Labor Day. There will be no school this Monday. I hope everyone enjoys some quality time with their families! Here are a few reminders for what’s ahead.
Pledge Drive Continues
We are off to a great start with the Pledge Drive! Please see the attached flyer and consider participating. We appreciate your support.
Special Election: Carrillo Polling Location
Carrillo will be a polling location next week. Our Multipurpose Room will be used from September 10th-15th for voting activity. On Friday, 9/10, they will be setting up. Voting will take place from Saturday-Tuesday. Finally, the poll workers will break down on 9/15.
The voting activity will take place on one-half of the MPR (closer to the parking lot). We will block off the "school side" of the MPR with partitions to ensure breakfast and lunch service will not be interrupted, and students will not come in contact with any poll workers or voters. All poll workers and voters are required to wear masks while indoors at all times.
Students that arrive for breakfast at 8 am on these days will need to enter campus through the black gate and use the school entrance to the MPR.
Morning Play Zones
1st-5th-grade students that arrive between 8:15-8:45 are free to play before school starts. Students in each grade are assigned to specific zones to reduce the amount of contact between grade levels, spread students out throughout the play areas, and lessen the chances of injury/collision between “big” and “little” students. Please review the before-school play schedule below with your child so they know where to head in the morning.
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Zone 1: Blacktop/Tetherball Area
Zone 2: Blacktop/Basketball Area
Zone 3: Playstructure
Zone 4: Field/ Soccer Area
Zone 5: Field/ Kickball Area
Zone 2: Blacktop/Basketball Area
Zone 3: Playstructure
Zone 4: Field/ Soccer Area
Zone 5: Field/ Kickball Area
Zone 1: Blacktop/Tetherball Area
Zone 3: Playstructure
Zone 4: Field/ Soccer Area
Zone 5: Field/ Kickball Area
Zone 1: Blacktop/Tetherball Area
Zone 2: Blacktop/Basketball Area
Zone 4: Field/ Soccer Area
Zone 5: Field/ Kickball Area
Zone 1: Blacktop/Tetherball Area
Zone 2: Blacktop/Basketball Area
Zone 3: Playstructure
Zone 5: Field/ Kickball Area
Zone 1: Blacktop/Tetherball Area
Zone 2: Blacktop/Basketball Area
Zone 3: Playstructure
Zone 4: Field/ Soccer Area
Lunch and Contact Tracing
Due to the local health requirement to contact trace following every COVID positive exposure, we will be returning to having students eat lunch with their classmates only. Students will continue to be allowed to play with anyone in the grade level before school, lunch, and recess. However, to ensure we can accurately track close contacts in the event of a COVID positive, we are asking students to eat lunch with their classmates. We are also going to mark the seats on the tables so that students can space out to the greatest extent possible.
Plan for Rainy Days Lunch
On rainy days, students will eat outdoors under the covered areas. We will have one-grade level eat first as the other remains in their room for indoor activities (with masks remaining on). Although students will be safe from the rain while eating, they will be traveling through campus and eating outside, so please have your student wear appropriate clothing on rainy days.
Important Dates at a Glance
- September 6- No school, Labor Day
- September 17- Flag Salute and Awards
- September 21- English Learner Advisory Council (ELAC) Meeting at 5:30 pm via Google Meet
- September 22- School Site Council Meeting (all parents are welcome) at 5:30 pm via Zoom
- October 8- Flag Salute
- Parent-Teacher Conference Week
- October 11- No School for students.
- October 12-15- Minimum Day Schedule (K-5 will release at 12:55 pm)
- October 16- Fall Bash and Marine Corps Canned Food and Diaper Drive Kickoff
- October 8-16- Book Fair in the Library- The first book fair will run in conjunction with parent-teacher conferences and the Fall Bash, so feel free to stop by when you’re on campus Please click below if you'd like to receive grade-level reminders through
3rd- grade-
Thank you,
Gary Pope, Principal