Mrs. Amy Odenwalder
Hello Carrillo Colts! My name is Amy Odenwalder and I am the new full-time music teacher at Carrillo Elementary School. I hold a Bachelor degree in Music Education and Flute Performance from the University of Akron and Brigham Young University. After I graduated, I met my husband, Sean and together we have 2 children, Kirk (10) and Heidi (7). My first job after I graduated college was as a DJ for a public classical radio station in Provo, UT where I educated a large radio audience about composers and music. Then we moved to Florida for my husband to attend dental school and I got the fabulous opportunity to perform and work with Ars Flores Symphony Orchestra in Fort Lauderdale. For every concert I planned and taught a virtual elementary class featuring the music we were presenting in our concerts which kept over 100 students entertained for 30 minutes. After saying goodbye to Florida and moving to Virginia, I had the opportunity to help out a fellow teacher and prepare a weekly, hour long music lesson to my son's Pre-Kindergarten class. After only 1 year in Virgina, we moved here to Southern California 4 years ago. The last two years, I substituted regularly for band, vocal and general elementary teachers for Vista Unified School District while also being the PTA funded music teacher at Monte Vista Elementary School. I taught TK-5th general music classes and held an after school beginning band program for 4th and 5th graders. These experiences have brought me here to Carrillo Elementary School to work hard and help Carrillo's students achieve their best in every aspect of education.
Here's to a fabulous year!