Plan ~ Teach ~ Reflect
• Art lessons including all planning, prep, and clean-up
• It is our goal to provide an art lesson to every student at Carrillo
• To enable students to become familiar with the elements of art and expand their experience with art media
• To develop students artistic skills as they learn about the art process and develop positive feelings of self -esteem, and a means of expression
• To familiarize students with important artists and artwork throughout history
• Open House art display, March 19-20, 2014 (see attached handout)
What’s New?
• Our website! Carrillo elementary Programs Art Program
• Online Lesson Plans – I’m always adding more, so check in often!
• Blogging – Collaborate with Others
• Sample Storage – A library of resources, templates, etc. to share with each other
• Instructional DVDs for grades K-5, in Library, check out copy return ASAP for other docents to use the binder.
• Supplies in storage room KEY at PTO desk
• Kiln is working. (You will need to allow for enough time for the clay to dry. We will create a schedule for use and glazing.) Key at PTO desk as well.
Getting Started:
• Plan a schedule of mutual convenience with the teacher, usually 1X per month
• Plan art lessons and projects around curriculum or seasonal themes if desired
• Use Arts Attack manual and DVDs or online lessons for inspiration
• All lessons should feature at least one art education concept: Color, Composition, Famous Artists, Line, Space,
Shape, Texture, and Value
• Art Prints Supplies - see attached list of what we have available ( we will be purchasing other supplies this beginning of the year and a wish list is encouraged,
• Use materials and supplies we already have in Storage Shed
• Create a sample before you teach the lesson
• Blog about your experience to share info with other docents
• Art lessons including all planning, prep, and clean-up
• Feel free to be as creative as you like. Bring in costumes, visual aids, books or other materials. use power point or teachers curriculum
Open House - See handout.
• Use Art Boards, Tables, Create hanging posters, or any other way to display your class artwork for Open House, March 19-20, 2014
• See website for more info!
Teacher Relations
• Come prepared with all supplies
• Show up on time (or early)
• If you need extra set-up time, please ask in advance
• Plan your lessons ahead of time
• Discipline – Be fun but firm
• Clean-up when finished
Locations, Locations, Locations
• Art supplies – Storage Shed Key at PTO desk
• Carts on wheels – a few types are available in Hallway near PTO desk
• Paper Cutters, Die-Cut Machine – Copy Room (the near main office area or near teachers lounge)
Materials Procedures
• Library –Check out Arts Attack manuals and DVDs from Mrs. Tigani
• Return checked-out materials in a timely manner
• Check out art materials the day you use them
• Return clean materials back to their spots in the storage shed, You are responsible for the supplies you borrow and use for the youngsters please be kind to return them clean and tidy– Help us keep it organized!
• Record any supplies that we need on the Arts Attack Shopping List
• SAVE YOUR SAMPLES, TEMPLATES, ETC. – I reuse a project and do it for another grade or for the next year.
Our Website – A Work in Progress
• Lesson Plans, Links, Blogs, Information, Samples
• Blog about your experience to share info with other docents --
What lesson you taught, what worked, what didn’t work, what would you do differently, any tips for others, etc.
• Share photos of your student artwork (send them to me to post)
• Other Art Ideas are welcome, check out other resources for ideas, just make sure it advances the curriculum and is not too crafty.
• Do not feel like you have to use your own out of pocket expenses, please understand we cannot promise to reimburse you, simply ask for a donation from class, or choose a project that we have the supplies for.
A collection of great CSS tools and resources can be found at code beautifier, cheat sheet, style generators, useful links etc.