One of our class goals is to actively engage children in sufficient amounts of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) to improve their physical health and well being. Another goal is to encourage children to apply the skill and knowledge they acquire during class and seek opportunities to be active outside of school and as part of a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, instructional units are planned to develop motor, cognitive and behavioral skills. Your child’s semester grade will focus on mastery of skills, his/her attitude (good sportsmanship) and effort (following directions and participation in daily activities).
Your child will attend physical education 4 times every two weeks, meeting the state mandated physical education minutes (an average of 200 minutes every 10 school days). Check out our schedule for specific dates and times.
Physical activity must be done regularly to achieve health benefits. Therefore, your child’s participation is very important. If he/she is sick or unable to participate in all activities, please send a note. Also, we recommend that you send a labeled water bottle with your child and stress the importance of staying hydrated.
In order to provide the best possible experience for your child, we must all work together as a team. Please remind your child to dress appropriately for physical activity on PE days.
It's all about RESPECT!
Respect Yourself
- Be safe
- Wear comfortable clothing and athletic shoes
- Try your best and stay positive
Respect Others
- Keep all body parts to yourself
- Be a good sport (respect the rules of the game!)
- Follow directions
- Be kind
Respect Our School
- Take care of PE equipment
- Keep our school clean
- Thumbs up for your class
- Secret superstar recognition
- Chance to earn class of the month
- Chance to earn student of the month
- Good grades
- Satisfaction of a job well done
- Gentle Reminder
- Refocus (student takes a quick break to think about better choices, then returns to the activity)
- Pit stop (student is removed from activity and asked to fill out a pit stop sheet that will be signed by teachers and parents, then return to the activity)
- Time out (student is asked to sit out of the activity for the remainder of class and possibly removed from PE. We use this only as a last resort. Behavior that affects the learning and safety of our students determines whether or not they are removed from class)
Please have your students dress appropriately according to the weather! In the event that it is too hot outside or there is rain, we will move our PE classes indoors. If the temperature reaches 85 degrees, we will play water games outside or have the students participate in less vigorous activities. Once the temperature outside reaches 90 degrees, PE will be moved indoors. Your child's safety is our number one concern.
If your student needs to be excused from PE for the day, please write a note and send it to our health office. The health aides will make sure it gets to the PE team. If your student needs to sit out for more than 3 days, we will need a doctor's note. Students who are not able to participate will still be involved in class as much as they are allowed. Usually we will find a job for them such as DJ, equipment manager, or assistant coach. This allows students to stay engaged with the class and the content while they recover.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (760)290-2900 ext 3936.
Thank you for your support!
Ms. Beninger & the Carrillo PE Staff